What is Taijiwuxigong?

In this article, Sarah Bartlett shares what Taijiwuxigong has meant to her and how it has become such a central part of her life. 

Sound Yourself Well

This is the transcript from a public talk given by Catriona at an event organised with colleagues in Bristol, in which they introduced and demonstrated the use of Buqi Sound healing techniques.

Hello Sound - Buqi style

Sheila Green is unique amongst Buqi practitioners, in that she was specifically encouraged by Dr Shen to specialise in working with the voice, sound and mantra. Here, in typical comical style, Sheila shares some thoughts around how to get a good night's sleep.

She has generously given access to some of her recorded work so that anyone can benefit from this right away! See below.

Spontaneous sounds and using the voice for healing

Our voiceprint is as unique as our fingerprint. During Taijiwuxigong practice, people often make noises without choosing to make them. These Spontaneous Sounds range from sung notes and laughter to shouts or sighs and different emotional expressions.   

Andy Henry, who has been teaching Taijiwuxigong since the 1990's, answered the question: “What are these spontaneous sounds?“

Newsletter to all Buqi students 26 October 2022

Dear Buqi friends,

Today is 26th October, 11 years since Dr Shen passed away at his house in Zwalm. A natural time for us all to think of him and reflect on the gift of his teachings. (Although of course, that is also true at any time!) However, we wanted to connect with the whole UK community today and share some quotes from the book, which Astrid and Shen Jin produced with the help of other students, to celebrate his 80th birthday: A Spontaneous Movement. Every story in the book is so beautiful, that in a way this is a random selection, but we chose these as a representation of the various aspects of Dr Shen's work. The quotes embrace topics as profound as Dr Shen himself - the Heart, Freedom, the Dao and, not least importantly, an antidote to despondancy.

See this and other news below:

Paul Brewer - Master teacher, generous friend.

Here Eve Jackson describes how she first encountered Paul Brewer.  The attached article from 'Tai Chi Chuan' of Autumn 1995 demonstrates the depth and clarity of Paul's understanding of Dr Shen's teachings and his unrivalled ability to express them.

Paul Brewer

We are sorry to announce the sad news that Paul Brewer, one of Dr Shen's close students and a long-term teacher of this system, passed away early in the morning of New Years Eve.

Weekend of celebration

The UK Buqi community organised a weekend of practice together to celebrate Dr Shen’s work and to mark the anniversary of 10 years since his passing on 26 October 2011.

Online Classes in Qigong, Tai Chi and Meditation

Many teachers are offering online classes, often free, which makes it easy to explore the health and wellbeing benefits of Dr Shen's system. Dr Shen's qigong is called Taijiwuxigong. Some also offer Buqi treatment online.